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Do I Need to Call the Police After a Chicago Car Accident?

 Posted on May 25, 2022 in Car Accident

Il injury lawyerIn Illinois, you are required by law to file a police report after most traffic accidents. Aside from being the law, it is generally a very good idea to file a report anyway. Ideally, the police should respond to the scene and conduct their own independent investigation. The results of a police investigation can make or break a car accident claim.

Courts and insurance companies alike tend to take the word of police officers at face value. A report showing that you were not at fault and the other driver was can streamline the process of recovering compensation. If you are able to wait at the scene to give a statement, you should. If your injuries dictate that you must be transported to the hospital right away, do not worry. The police will be able to take your statement later. Your next phone call should be to an attorney.

3 Reasons the Police Report is Critically Important to Your Claim

While some people are understandably hesitant to interact with the police, doing so is a necessity after a motor vehicle crash. A few reasons you really do need to contact the police after a car accident include:

  • The law - Illinois state law dictates that you must file a police report if the crash involved any injuries or more than $1,500 in property damage, or more than $500 if either driver is uninsured. Even if your car does not look all that damaged, it can be impossible to guess from the side of the road. While the law gives you ten days to file a report, it is far better to do so immediately so that the officers can investigate at the scene.
  • Tickets or charges - If the other driver was breaking a law that is in place for safety reasons, recovering damages may be much easier for you. If the other driver is ticketed for something like speeding or running a red light or arrested for something like driving under the influence, they could be almost automatically liable.
  • Neutral opinion - After an accident, it is rare for both drivers involved to tell the same story. You say that you had the green light and they say that they had the green light. Police officers are presumed to be neutral and unbiased, so they can act as a sort of tie-breaker. The driver they agree with is likely to win their case.

After letting the police take a report, you should contact an attorney before speaking with an insurance company.

Call a Cook County Car Accident Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident, Adler Law Offices, LTD may be able to recover compensation on your behalf. Our experienced Chicago car accident lawyers will fight for you to receive the highest possible settlement or award. Contact us at 312-236-2700 for a free consultation.




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