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Case Results

Winning cases, by digging deeper

Whether it's a medical malpractice case, an auto accident, or some other kind of personal injury case, the evidence that can win you your lawsuit is not always on the surface, where everyone can see it. Attorney Adler has earned a reputation for being thorough, tenacious, and digging deeper for his clients. Some lawyers will take a case just so far and then either drop it or convince their clients to accept a settlement for less that the proper value. The mission of Adler Law Offices, Ltd. is to protect the rights of its clients and to undertake maximum effort to obtain the fair, reasonable recovery they are entitled to.

Here are just a few of the many cases that demonstrate how Attorney Adler went the extra mile to win a personal injury case for his clients:

Case Results

$775,000,000.00 SETTLEMENT

Client came to us a result of experiencing a drop foot after an orthopedic surgery. During our investigation, we noticed the client experienced internal bleeding and had been prescribed Xarelto, a then relatively new blood thinner. We dug deep into the history of Xarelto, going back to the original documents filed with the FDA, and researched the basic science of the drug. Based upon our investigation, we concluded that Xarelto was the cause of the bleeding and the resulting drop foot and filed suit against the manufacturers of the drug. The lawsuit was grouped with others filed throughout the country in the United States District Court. A global settlement of the cases was reached in the amount of $775,000,000.00.

The Case of the Exploding Coffee Pot

While pouring a cup of coffee at home, a middle aged man was scalded when the coffee pot exploded in his hands. The large, national retailer who sold the coffee pot insisted that the coffee pot broke due to consumer abuse. Charles Adler wouldn't allow the retailer's deep pockets and team of attorneys to intimidate him into dropping the case. Instead, Adler dug deeper and discovered that the manufacturing plant in Mexico where the coffee pots were made allowed sand to invade the manufacturing process, causing the glass carafes to weaken and fail over time. With this new evidence, the retailer settled the case, to the delight of Adler's client.

The Case of the Lying Insurance Agency

After a woman was involved in a car accident and tried filing a claim with her insurance company, she was told by the insurance company that she did not have coverage. Insisting that she was told over the phone, by a representative of the insurance company, that her policy had been issued and was active, she hired Attorney Charles Adler to fight her case.

During the trial, the insurance company paraded witnesses past the jury who all testified that the company never gave oral binders over the phone. Because of Adler's tenacity in preparing for the case, he had found the incriminating evidence his client needed. Adler had found an old advertisement that the insurance company had published that specifically said that they gave oral binders over the phone. When Attorney Adler presented this evidence, the subsequent witness for the insurance company admitted that they did, indeed, give oral binders over the phone. It took only ten minutes for the jury to return with a verdict in favor of Adler's client.

The Case of the Wrongful Death, Handled Right

When the driver of an automobile entered the opposite lane of oncoming traffic in order to pass the vehicle in front of him, he was hit head on by an oncoming semi-truck, instantly killing the passenger in his automobile, who was a father of eight children.

Because all the evidence seemed to clearly point out that the accident was no fault of the truck driver, it seemed very unlikely that the eight children, left behind, would ever receive any kind of financial recovery.

The evidence in the case seemed cut and dry. So much so that the insurance adjuster for the insurer of the trucking company said that there was no way they would pay a dime. Two local attorneys also did an investigation of the accident and declined to take the case on behalf of the estate of the deceased passenger. Because Attorney Adler knew that something had to be done for the sake of the eight children who lost their dad, he took on the case, himself.

Not only did there seem to be very little for him to build a case upon, but he was also told that the community where the accident took place was very conservative and would never find the trucker guilty in a case such as this. When Attorney Adler had some aerial photos taken of the accident site, in order to get a better lay of the land, he noticed that there was a ridge that the trucker would have had to have driven by which would have, itself, acted as a blind spot. Adler then spoke with the owner of the farm land that ran along this stretch of the road and discovered that trucks were always having problems along that stretch of road.

Additionally, Adler dug into the federal population figures and determined that the potential jury members that would be selected for this case, didn't appear to be as conservative as he was told. When Adler presented this information to the trucking company's insurance company, they realized that they would have to pay on the claim. In the end, Adler made a recovery for the surviving family members.

The Case of the Wrongful Termination

An employee of the Illinois Bureau of Investigation was fired from her job because she had pled guilty to a shoplifting charge. The Bureau claimed that they had done a complete investigation of the criminal case prior to discharging her. They also claimed that they fired the woman because they had a policy of not allowing persons with criminal backgrounds to be employed in sensitive bureau positions.

Charles Adler agreed to fight the wrongful termination lawsuit and won the case because he was able to prove that not only did the Bureau not do an adequate investigation of the employee's criminal charge, as they said they did, but her position did not require her to handle "sensitive" confidential information, as the bureau stated it did. Thus, she was not breaking any policies by pleading guilty of a shoplifting charge.

After Adler won the case at the trial court level, the State appealed the case, where Adler won the case for his client, there, as well.

The best part about winning the case was when the client called Attorney Adler to thank him after she had gotten her job back. She said the marital problems she was having because of the wrongful termination had finally subsided.

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